Yaiza Berrocal
Playwright, screenwriter and novelist
With La cadena del frío (dramatised reading at the Sala Beckett, 2022; dramatised reading at the Centro Dramático Nacional, 2022) she won the Calderón de la Barca National Prize 2020. As a playwright, she is also the author of La isla de los lobos (Dramaturgias Actuales 2022, INAEM), Ni temeré las fieras (Teatre Lliure, 2021), the texts of Cartografía del cuerpo extraño (Sala La Planeta, 2019) and La cruzada de los niños, remake de las visiones de Schwob (Arsénico, 2018). As a screenwriter, she has worked in television fiction and film.
Her novel Curling has been published by Hurtado y Ortega in 2022.